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Jack in in a sentence

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Sentence count:27+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-05-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hijackingcarjackingjack-in-the-boxbackpackingbacktrackingjackie robinsonpack inbacking
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1. Helen is quite equal to Jack in brains.
2. He punched Jack in the face.
3. Eva married her hus-band Jack in 1957.
4. I left Jack in charge of the suitcases while I went to get the tickets.
5. You need a car jack in order to change a wheel.
6. I'd love to jack in my job and go and live in the Bahamas.
7. She looked back at Jack in wordless supplication.
8. I carry Jack in a cardboard box and he seems relaxed as we have a quiet conversation in the dark.
9. Jack in great form at the dinner party.
10. A new species of Ormosia Jack in Guizhou Province.
11. The Jack in the Box is a hipster CEO whose ads are filled with carefully crafted irony and an overt stoner vibe .
12. The story is about Captain Jack in London catch by King George II.
13. In August Ennis spent the whole night with Jack in the main camp and in a blowy hailstorm the sheep took off west and got among a herd in another allotment.
14. Cofell curses at Jack in a foreign language and Jack recognizes it as Serbian.
15. I met Jack in my sophomore year high school English class.
16. The BLACK JACK in the medical students to focus, original era in the form of "story about why he would become unlicensed doctors" in-depth description.
17. companions drank to the Hans en Kelderr, or Jack in the low cellar , he could not help displaying an extraordinary complacence of countenance.
18. While they continue quarrelling, cut to Jack in close up.
19. When Tom's companions drank to the Hans en Kelderr, or Jack in the low cellar, he could not help displaying an extraordinary complacence of countenance.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
20. When Tom's companions drank to the Hans en Kelderr, or Jack in the low cellar , he could not help displaying an extraordinary.
21. Both are course and distance hurdle winners - Capolla Jack in record time.
22. You could eat all the free hamburgers you wanted, but they all were Jack in the Box hamburgers.
23. I had a little flagstaff in front of houseflag with the Union Jack in the corner.
24. You can add a PC at any time by connecting it to any telephone jack in your wall - or you can uplink an entire 10/100 Ethernet network for instant communication.
25. Fuzhou Snit Mechanical Equipment Co. , Ltd ---- Specialize in automobile equipment maintenance, one of the most professional manufacturers of pneumatic jack in china.
26. But it was in 1925 that he disappeared while with his eldest son Jack in the Amazon jungle in Brazil, looking for a mythical ancient city he named "Z" but others called El Dorado.
27. And for Jack ... a chance to come to nothing binding sex Come into the role of Jack in the dirty speed dater without flirting!
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